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Classis Meetings

Click here for current & past Classis Meeting Agendas & Minutes

NEXT CLASSIS MEETING:  September 24, 2024

Location:  Grace CRC., 440 King St. E., Cobourg, ON.  

Agenda Deadline:  August 9, 2024


Future Classis Meetings: 

Saturday, January 18, 2025 at Ebenezer CRC., Trenton.  Agenda deadline is December 5, 2024

Tuesday, May 27, 2025 at Living Hope CRC., Peterborough.  Agenda deadline is April 15, 2025






Please complete the form in the areas where applicable and submit by Wednesday, September 11, 2024.  Please be sure to include each delegate's email address and indicate if a first-time delegate.   First-time officebearers will be asked to sign the Covenant for Officebearers book at the registration table upon arrival at the Classis meeting.

Christian Reformed Church in North America

Delegates to Classis Credentials Form

Classical Credentials (for ministers, elders, deacons, and delegates from emerging churches)

To Classis Quinte

To convene Tuesday, September 24, 2024



has appointed the following as delegates to the meeting of the classis referred to above. If a church is without a minister or the minister is unable to attend, an elder shall be delegated in place of the ministers.

Minister Delegate
First-time Delegate?
Elder Delegate
First-time Delegate?
Deacon Delegate
First-time Delegate?
Alternate Minister
First-time Delegate?
Alternate Elder
Alternate Deacon
We instruct and authorize them to take part in all deliberations and transactions of classis regarding all matters legally coming before the assembly and transacted in agreement with the Word of God according to the conception of it embodied in the doctrinal standards of the Christian Reformed Church, as well as in harmony with our Church Order. We testify that our council faithfully adheres to the doctrinal standards of the Christian Reformed Church and diligently and effectively attends to the ministry within our congregation, community, classis, denomination, and the broader kingdom of God.
Questions under Church Order Article 41 calls classis to assist its member churches in the following way: In order to assist the church, the classis shall allocate sufficient time at its meetings to respond to requests for advice or help from the churches, and at a minimum of one meeting annually shall allocate sufficient time to discuss at least one ministry issue that the classis considers to be especially important.
By order of the council
Validation Code